
Post date: Aug 10, 2016 3:28:34 PM

In “Know Your Farmer” programme we visted Balamurughan's farm. Balamurughan is a engineer by profession and farmer by habit. Still if you want to describe Balamurughan, he loves farming, cultivation , agriculture, environment and also toiler. He is in this generation where everyone tells that we don’t have time, but still he is spending all his free time in agriculture.

He grows Banana, Mango, Tsunami gourds, Pumpkin, Papaya and Arillate in his farm. He uses traditional method (using V shaped stick) to grow Banana. He divides his land to different parts to grow mixed crop.

Preparation of Fertilizer

He prepares his own fertilizer by forming his own pits. He uses dry leaves, harvested banana plants, creepers(i,e pumpkin, Tsunami gourd) and soil to prepare fertilizers.