The Hand Made & the GST
Post date: Dec 18, 2017 11:14:10 AM
Is Hand made to be promoted? If it's in the decline in the last few centuries, shouldn't we accept it as a Natural Phenomenon and move forward with the new realities of Life?
The answer is,
Given the growing population and limited natural resources, there's no denial that we need a paradigm shift in our Journey of Life. Resilient and Self-reliant communities that can operate in a decentralized way, optimized through networking, enabled by today's technologies seem to be the Right way forward.
The environmental, social and economical benefits that a 'Hand-made' product brings to the table, puts it at the top of the list of factors essential for building such sustainable and self-reliant communities. So, in our earnest desire to make the community around us resilient and sustainable, we shall promote Hand-made!
One of the ways of promoting Hand-made is through abolishing GST for it. The current classification of products/services under GST is very individualistic. For example, both a drama theatre and a cinema theatre cannot be categorized collectively as 'Entertainment'. Khadi and Mill clothes cannot be categorized collectively as 'Textiles'. By the very nature of GST which tries to bring together things produced in a 'diverse' way in one basket, Goliath is made to fight against the David. In such an uneven contest, the role of a Government must be to regulate the rules making the contest even and fair. I intend not to digress here but I think promotion of Hand-made is a more fool-proof and efficient mechanism for Inclusive Growth than Reservations.
At the same breath of asking the Government for the removal of GST for Hand-made products, we would also like to take the oath of promoting Hand-made products by maximizing its utilization in our daily lives!
Our collective knowledge, Skill and Application of Organic farming, Khadi & Bamboo/Mud Habitats (Food, Clothing & Shelter - basics of Life) shall make our Communityies Resilient, prideful & joyful in the years to come!
Thank you Prasannaji (Gram Seva Sangh) for making us realize this!
We, at Nesara wholeheartedly support this movement for Hand-made till the very end!
Meeting at Charvaka, Mysore on 17th Dec 2017 on Zero GST for Handmade products
To know more about this Movement and participate, please contact 99802 61767.