Current News & Events
A place for short notes about the events and news that have positively impacted us or organized by us. Some of them would be global in nature, some national and some very local. Our goal is to 'report' in an unbiased way about the news & events that we have truly 'felt' and 'experienced' in our lives.
Online ordering system for Home delivery of farm fresh Vegetables in Mysore
During the month of May 2021, an online ordering system for Home delivery of farm fresh vegetables/fruits/groceries in Mysore city was launched by us. Upon submitting the orders through the online form, which is updated twice a week, fresh vegetables and fruits are delivered to customer homes directly or to the nearest pickup points already earmarked. The online order form can be accessed at:
The current COVID crisis has impacted all of us in one way or the other. It's important to keep our spirits high and look for small things we can do to overcome this evil situation.
Good Sunlight and ample ventilation can keep away this Virus to a great extent!
Adding more bitter taste in our weekly diet would help improve our Immunity levels.
A deep, dedicated & concentrated study about our body Immunity for a few minutes/hours every day can expand our mental horizon on the subject, resulting in improved body metabolism.
Feeling a strong sense of Gratitude towards those front-line Health workers who are working non-stop & selflessly all these months can elate our mood & help us to be more active physically.
Let's not wait for the Science to give us the proofs to strengthen our belief in NATURE CURE! Let's find the Proof ourselves, by realizing what Human Body Immunity means!
Write to us about your own understanding & definition of SELF-IMMUNITY in not more than 100 words. Copying from Google and textbooks is to be avoided, as this activity is primarily for experiential learning. The best write-ups will be selected by a group of experts and published in this Group. The top 3 winners will be rewarded with 3 kgs of vegetables/fruits of their choice at our Store.
Send your write-up before 31st May 2021 by email to or whatsapp to 7204288166.
This initiative is to strengthen our collective consciousness about SELF-IMMUNITY. And no time is better than now, to know about our Inter-connectedness.
Lets come together for a better Immunity....
To develop our understanding further about Self-Immunity, lets 'play' together in this mind-mapping tool below:
If you want your idea/thought to be added this poster, and participate in building this mind-map on IMMUNITY, please send your email ID as a whatsapp message to 72042 88166 as below:
'COGGLE <your email ID>'
Lets play together during this lockdown & create a mental map on Self-Immunity! For, together we live.
Podcast series on NATURAL IMMUNITY
By: Dr. Prem, Alternative Medicine Practitioner, Mysore
Dr. Prem Anand Nagaraja, MD, is a qualified allopathic practitioner with over 25 years of clinical experience in mainstream medicine. For over a decade now, Dr. Prem has retrained himself in complimentary healing approaches like acupuncture, naturopathy and homoeopathy to establish a holistic healing center in Mysore.
Duration: 2 minutes Language: Kannada
Duration: 4 minutes Language: Kannada
Duration: 6 minutes Language: Kannada
Duration: 6 minutes Language: Kannada
Duration: 6 minutes Language: Kannada
Duration: 6 minutes Language: Kannada
Duration: 8 minutes Language: Kannada